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The downward flux by the atmosphere is the same as the real greenhouse effect. This flux is excatly the same as the sum of four energy fluxes: LW radiation absorption 155.6 + SW radiation absotpion 75.0 + Latent heating 90.8 + 24.2 = 345.6 W/m2
ClimatExam Scientific analyses of the climate change and global warming by Dr. Antero Ollila
Original CERES figures
CERES figure of Total Solar Radiation anomaly, dTSI
CERES figure of Shortwave Radiation Upward anomaly, dSWup
CERES figure of Shortwave Radiation Downward anomaly, dSWdn
CERES figure of Longwave Radiation Upward anomaly, dOLR
CERES figure of Cloud Fraction anomaly, dCl
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